"The real problem which confronts mathematics teaching is not that of rigour, but the problem of the development of 'meaning', of the 'existence' of mathematical objects" ( p. 202 in A. G. Howson, Ed., Developments in Mathematical Education. Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Mathematical Education, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973).
"The language of elementary geometry offers a solution to the following problem: to express in a one-dimensional combination - that of language - a morphology, a multi-dimensional structure. Now this problem recurs in a form 'everywhere dense' in mathematics, where the mathematician has to communicate his intuitions to others. In this sense, the spirit of geometry circulates almost everywhere in the immense body of mathematics, and it is a major pedagogical error to seek to eliminate it" (p. 208).The Congress adopted the following Resolutions
"Future Bulletins will give not only information on ICMI activities but also lists, both of journals related to mathematical education and of national and international plans for mathematical competitions... It is my sincere hope that these Bulletins will make really useful contributions to the promotion of international understanding among those involved in teaching that uniquely international mode of thought: mathematics" (ICMI Bulletin, 1, 1972, 1).
"The General Assembly received a report by Professor Sir James Lighthill on the work of the ICMI. The General Assembly expresses its great appreciation of the activities of ICMI in every aspect of mathematical education, particularly in developing countries, and it hopes that this work will continue to grow, and that the mathematical needs of other scientific disciplines will be taken into consideration" (EM II s. , XXI, 1975, 335).
"Why, then, do we now come together from all the countries on earth? What do we have in common? Perhaps it is our appreciation of patterns of abstract ideas, our striving for order and truth and beauty in a world full of confusion and deceit and pollution" . (Cf Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, August 21-29 1974 Vancouver, Canadian Mathematical Congress, 2 vols., 1975, I, xv-xvi)