Mantua 1862 - Genoa 1954
Brief scientific biography
Gino Benedetto Loria is considered "the most notable historian of Italian mathematics" (PEPE 1991, 541). He was born in Mantua on May 19, 1862, into a well-off Jewish family, composed of his father Salomon Vita, also called Gerolamo or Girolamo, his mother Anaide D'Italia and his brother Achille, a remarkable economist.
He completed his secondary studies (1875-1879) in Mantua. In Turin, he received the
Laurea degree in mathematics (1879-1883), with "a dissertation on spherical geometry. His main supervisor was Professor Enrico D'Ovidio" (TOGLIATTI 1954, 115). While he was D'Ovidio's assistant (1884-1886), he published sixteen papers about "geometry of straight line and spheres, hyperspatial projective geometry, entity generated by algebraic correspondences between fundamental forms, Cremona-transformations in space" (TERRACINI 1954, 403), the first of which,
Sur les différentes espèces de complexes du 2e degré des droites qui coupent harmoniquement deux surfaces du second ordre, was co-authored with C. Segre.
Thanks to his geometric works, in 1886 he became full professor of High Geometry in Genoa, where "he also taught, for assignment, History of mathematics, Descriptive analysis and geometry"(GIACARDI 1999, 521). Even though Loria wrote about ninety more geometric papers, he refused the new process of geometrical researches in Italy (ARCHIBALD 1939, 11-17; TERRACINI 1954, 409-421; PEPE 2001).
He developed the history of mathematics, publishing
Sur une démonstration du théorème fondamental de la théorie des équation algébriques (1887) and
Il passato e il presente delle principali teorie matematiche.
Monografia storica (1888). Between 1894 and 1902 he published five books entitled
Le scienze esatte nell'antica Grecia and the article
Sui metodi di compilazione dei cataloghi bibliografici. Pensieri e desideri. In this last work, we find the following evocative, nearly autobiographic, consideration: "people who are put in charge of conservation of manuscripts shouldn't forget that a library isn't a museum, but a laboratory" (p.70).
In 1903 he married Ida Levi Gattinara and settled permanently in Genoa,at Manin Square, 41. In 1907 he received Binoux prize. His copious production consists of over one hundred and sixty publications (ARCHIBALD 1939, 17-25; TERRACINI 1954, 409-421; PEPE 2001). Among his works, we note especially the
Guida allo studio della storia delle matematiche of 1916: in this work, we find the precepts for mathematicians who, "in the historical research, shouldn't fail to keep to the rules adopted and followed in their doctoral researches" (p. 7). In 1921 he received the Binoux prize again. Then, he published (1929-1933) his three fundamental volumes
Storia delle matematiche.
Dall'alba del secolo XVIII al tramonto del secolo XIX and a selection of works on interpretations of historical documents (LORIA 1937a).
He was the member of innumerable and remarkable Academies, such as the Virgiliana Academy of his native Mantua. He directed the
Bollettino di Bibliografia e Storia delle scienze matematiche, known as
Bollettino di Loria, which "was, with the
Bibliotheca Mathematica of Eneström, an international landmark for publications about history of mathematics" (GIUSTI, PEPE 2001, 35).
He retired in 1935. His last geometric writing was
Des cercles ex circonscrits par rapport à un triangle sphérique of 1940. In order to avoid racial persecutions, he left Genoa (1943-1945). The last work of 1953 is an historical one:
La matematica nel suo millenario sviluppo, ha seguito una direzione costante? He died in Genoa on January 30, 1954. After his death the most precious books of his library were transferred and "kept in the Loria foundation" of the Mathematical Library in the University of Genoa (FENAROLI, FURINGHETTI, GARIBALDI, SOMAGLIA 1989, 222).
Contributions to Education
Loria copiously dealt with didactic matters, establishing "a target which the modern teaching of elementary geometry should reasonably aim at" (LORIA 1893, 81). He said that, "enemies as we are of any concession made at the sacrifice of geometric rigour, we are favourable on the other hand to any legitimate means to enlivening and keeping awake the interest of young people in geometry. Interest which, as a rule, belongs to by few select people" (
ibid., 98-99).
He exhibited a project for teaching geometry not as "a dead language" but as "a living language" (
ibid., 110). This is the first of the two inspiring ideas of his extensive educational activities. The second one is the utilization of the history of mathematics for educational purposes. He observed that a young person just graduated in Mathematics "feels a sense of discouraging isolation as he/she starts teaching at a high school" (LORIA 1899, 19). The suggested remedy was in the introduction
of lectures capable of attracting and holding the attention of graduating students on subjects which they should deal with daily when they become classical or technical teachers. This curriculum may be a two-year course on the history of mathematics, with which I would like our programs of the Faculty of Sciences to be enriched (ibid., 20).
In this sense, the teaching of history of mathematics should be used as "an intermediary" between secondary and university education (
ibid., 22).
Among other initiatives, he agreed to fusionism (LORIA 1900); he was interested in the reform of secondary school in Germany (
ibid. 1906a); he treated questions about teaching of Mathematics (
ibid. b). In 1909 in Padua he gave the inaugural speech of the second national Mathesis (Italian Society of Mathematics) Congress, about "the events of high school teaching in Italy" (LORIA 1909a, 14).
In 1914, in Paris, the central committee of
International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) assigned to him the
Rapporto generale sulla preparazione teorica e pratica dei professori di matematica dell'insegnamento secondario, to be presented during the international conference of Munich in 1915. For this purpose, in 1914 he met F. Klein and H. Fehr in Gottingen, but, because of the war, the work was suspended for over fourteen years.
In this period he announced, with regret, that the "Scuole di Magistero" (schools to prepare elementary, middle and high school teachers), previously promoted by him for the preparation of the teachers of mathematics, would be "suppressed starting from the academic year 1920-1921" (LORIA 1921, 149). Some years later, he expressed "the legitimate worry of high school teachers" that their abilities were not recognized (LORIA 1924, 23). In 1928, during the congress of Bologna, the central committee of ICMI asked Loria to write the general report on formation of mathematics teachers in secondary education, in view of the international congress of Zurich in 1932. There, he illustrated his report and explained how secondary education was organized in the different countries: the exposition was as
un dialogue avec un jeune homme s'intéressant à tout ce qui a trait aux mathématiques et à leur enseignement (LORIA 1932, 363).
On the occasion of the international congress of mathematicians in Oslo in 1936, the ICMI committee met and decided "de conférer le titre de "Membre honoraire de la Commission", en raison des services rendus" to Loria, to G. Castelnuovo and to F. Enriques (FEHR 1936, 388).
Loria was also an active protagonist of
Mathesis, of which, for a long time, he was the president of the Ligurian section. He reviewed various textbooks for secondary schools in the
Periodico di matematica.
Essential bibliography
G. LORIA 1926,
Discorso del Prof. Loria, "Nel 40° anno di Insegnamento Universitario del Prof. Gino Loria", Pavia, Tip. Fusi, 15-22
G. LORIA 1937a,
Scritti, conferenze, discorsi sulla storia delle matematiche, raccolti per iniziativa e pubblicati sotto gli auspici della Sezione Ligure della Società 'Mathesis', Padova, Cedam
Discorso del Prof. E. Togliatti, "Nel 40° anno di Insegnamento Universitario del Prof. Gino Loria", Pavia, Tip. Fusi, 7-13
H. FEHR 1936,
Compte rendu de la réunion d'Oslo, 15 juillet 1936, "L' Enseignement mathématique", 386-388
Gino Loria, "Osiris", 7, 5-30
Commemorazione del Socio Gino Loria, "Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali", 17, 402-421
Necrologio. Gino Loria, "Bollettino U.M.I.", 9, 115-118
Kurze Bemerkungen, und Zitate, ¨ber Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Mathematik, so wie Gino Loria (1862-1954) versucht hat sich dieselben zu denken, "Synthese", 9: A/B, 485-491
Collezioni speciali esistenti nella Biblioteca Matematica dell'Università di Genova, "Pietro Riccardi (1828-1898) e la storiografia delle matematiche in Italia", Atti del Convegno (a cura di F. Barbieri e F. Cattelani Degani), Modena, 16-18 marzo 1987, Bologna, Tecnoprint, 219-230
L. PEPE 1991,
I matematici gesuiti nella "Storia delle matematiche" di Gino Loria, "Giornate di storia della matematica, Cetraro (Cosenza), Settembre 1988", (editor: M Galuzzi), Commenda di Rende, EditEl, 539-549
Des glissements dans l'historiographie des mathématiques: le cas du Bollettino di Bibliografia e Storia delle Scienze Matematiche de Gino Loria, "Messengers of mathematics: European mathematical journals (1800-1946)", Madrid, Siglo XXI, 283-297
Gino Loria Mantova 1862 - Genova 1954, "La Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche Naturali di Torino 1848-1998" (a cura di C. S. Roero), (5), II, 521-525
E. GIUSTI- L. PEPE 2001,
La matematica in Italia (1800-1950) , Firenze, Polistampa, 35- 36, 145-146
L. PEPE 2001,
Gino Loria e i suoi 'assidui studi' di storia delle matematiche, "Contributi di scienziati mantovani allo sviluppo della matematica e della fisica", Atti del convegno nazionale della Mathesis (a cura di F. Mercanti e L. Tallini), Mantova 17-19 maggio 2001, Cremona, Tip. Cremonese, 227-234
L'espulsione degli ebrei dalle accademie italiane, Torino, Zamorani, 289
Emergenza della didattica della matematica nei primi giornali matematici italiani, "História do Ensino da Matematica em Portugal", D. Moreira e J. M. Matos editors, Lisbona, Sociedade portuguesa de ciências da educação, 59-78
Loria Gino, "Dizionario biografico degli italiani", 66, Roma, Treccani, 131-133
Sull'apporto evolutivo dei matematici ebrei mantovani nella nascente nazione italiana, Milano, CLUP (to appear)
Works on the teaching of mathematics
G. LORIA 1889,
Rivista bibliografica: A.I.G.T. (a proposito di un libro recente) , "Periodico di matematica per l'insegnamento secondario", a. IV, 125-127
G. LORIA 1893,
Della varia fortuna d'Euclide in relazione con i problemi dell'insegnamento geometrico elementare, "Periodico di matematica per l'insegnamento secondario", a. VIII, 81-113
G. LORIA 1897,
Euclide, "Dizionario illustrato di pedagogia", I, Milano, Vallardi, 575-580.
G. LORIA 1897,
Matematica, "Dizionario illustrato di pedagogia", II, Milano, Vallardi, 631-638. Pubblicato anche su "Il Pitagora", 1897, a. III, Num. 1, 1-4; Num. 2, 17-20; Num. 3, 37-40; Num. 4, 53-56; Num. 5, 69-71
G. LORIA 1899,
La storia della matematica come anello di congiunzione fra l'insegnamento secondario e l'insegnamento universitario, "Periodico di matematica per l'insegnamento secondario", a. XIV, (2), 19-33
G. LORIA 1900,
La fusione della planimetria con la stereometria. (Una pagina di storia contemporanea) , "Periodico di matematica per l'insegnamento secondario", a. XV, (2), 2, 1-7
G. LORIA 1905,
Programmi del passato e Programmi per l'avvenire. Lettura fatta a Milano il 22 Aprile 1905 dal Prof. Gino Loria, in occasione della riunione regionale dei professori di matematica, promossa dall'Associazione 'Mathesis', "Rivista Ligure di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti", a. XXVII, fasc. III, 129-146
G. LORIA 1905,
Sur l'enseignement des mathématiques en Italie, Verhanlungen des dritten internationalen mathematiker-Kongresses, in Heildelberg vom 8. bis 13. August 1904, 594-602
G. LORIA 1906 a,
La riforma della scuola Media in Germania (Pagine stralciate da un Diario di viaggio) , "Rivista Ligure di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti", a. XXVIII, fasc. V, 323-333
G. LORIA 1906 b,
Sulle riforme scolastiche da compiersi e in particolare su quelle relative all'insegnamento della matematica, "Il Bollettino di Matematica", a. V, N. 10-11-12, 187-193
G. LORIA 1909 a,
La scuola media e la sua attuale crisi di sviluppo. Discorso inaugurale, "Atti del II Congresso della 'Mathesis' Società Italiana di Matematica", Padova, 20-23 Settembre, 12-29
G. LORIA 1909 b,
Preparazione degli insegnanti di matematica per le scuole medie. Relazione, "Atti del II Congresso della 'Mathesis' Società Italiana di Matematica", Padova, 20-23 Settembre, Allegato A, 1-10 (in collaborazione con Alessandro Padoa)
G. LORIA 1913,
Discorso, "Atti del III Congresso della 'Mathesis' Società Italiana di Matematica", Genova, 21-24 Ottobre 1912, 12-14
G. LORIA 1914,
Les gymnases-lycées modernes en Italie, "Zeitschrift f¨r Mathematik und Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht", 45, 188-193
G. LORIA 1918,
L'insegnamento della Matematica nelle Scuole industriali secondarie dei principali paesi del mondo, "Bollettino della Mathesis", a. X, 2, 66-76
G. LORIA 1919,
Le matematiche in Ispagna ieri ed oggi, "Scientia", 25, 353-359, 441-449
G. LORIA 1919,
Le matematiche in Portogallo: ciò che furono, ciò che sono, "Scientia", 26, 1-9
G. LORIA 1921,
La preparazione degli insegnanti medi di matematica (conferenza alla sezione ligure della Mathesis), "Periodico di matematiche storia - didattica - filosofia", (4), I, 3, 149-164
G. LORIA 1924,
Una massima di Abel, "Periodico di matematiche storia - didattica - filosofia", (4), IV, 22-39 G. LORIA 1927,
L'enseignement secondaire des Mathématiques en République Argentine, "Scientia", 41, 319-320
G. LORIA 1931,
L'insegnamento della storia delle scienze in Italia, "Archeion", 13, 4, 474-476
G. LORIA 1932,
La préparation théorique et pratique des professeurs de mathématiques de l'enseignement secondaire, "Verhandllungen des Internationalen Mathematiker-Kongresses", Z¨rich, II, 363
G. LORIA 1933,
La préparation théorique et pratique des professeurs de mathématiques de l'enseignement secondaire dans les divers pays, "L'Enseignement Mathématique", a. XXXII, 5-20
G. LORIA 1937b,
Teaching the history of mathematics by Gino Loria, "The Mathematical Gazette", XXI, 245, 274-275
Fabio Mercanti
Politecnico di Milano